450 N Syndicate St, Suite 340, St. Paul, MN 55104 info@clcmn.org 651-644-4438

2024 Legislative Updates

There have been a significant number of legislative changes made for 2024 that potentially impact the work of Children’s Law Center of Minnesota. To view a list of 2024 Legislative changes, CLICK HERE.

Tips for Helping Children and Teens Before and After Visitation

Click here for tips on how you can support foster youth with birth family visits.

The Effects of Traumatic Stress on the Developing Brain

A growing body of research has uncovered the pervasive and detrimental effects of traumatic stress on the developing brain.


On June 16, 2011, in J. D. B. v. North Carolina the U.S. Supreme Court held that juveniles are entitled to expanded Miranda protection.

Resources for Youth Experiencing Homelessness

CLC has developed a comprehensive resource guide for youth experiencing homelessness or who are at risk of homelessness. This guidebook contains information about the various organizations that provide services for youth, including legal services, shelter, housing, medical services, clothing, food, mental health services, and advocacy.

Homeless Youth Numbers Increase in Minnesota

Research shows an increase of 25% in homelessness for young adults 18-21 from 2006–2009.